学术论文: |
代表性期刊论文: [1]Jian Wang; Yameng Shao; Jianqi Zhu*; Yuming Ge; Spatio-temporal location privacy quantification for vehicular networks,IEEE ACCESS,2018.10, 6: 62963-62974. (中信所2区,中科院工程技术大类2区) [2]Jian Wang; Ping Lang; Jianqi Zhu*; Weiwen Deng;Shaoqing Xu; Application-Value-Awareness Cross-Layer MAC Cooperative Game for Vehicular Networks, Vehicular Communications, 2018.05, 13:27-37.(中信所3区,中科院工程技术大类2区,ESI期刊) [3]Fei Tan; Da Wei; Jianqi Zhu*; Dong Xu; Kexin Yin; An aggressive car-following model in the view of driving style,Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2017, 44(10): 775-782. (中信所4区,中科院工程技术大类4区) [4]Jianqi Zhu; Feng Fu; Kexin Yin; Jiaqian Luo; Da Wei *; Approaches to multiple attribute decision making with hesitant interval-valued fuzzy information under correlative environment ,JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS, 2014, 27(2): 1057-1065. (中信所4区,中科院工程技术大类4区,ESI期刊) [5]Jianqi Zhu; Feng Fu; Yanheng Liu *; Kexin Yin; Dynamic Entropy based DoS Attack Detection Method , Computer and Electrical Engineering, 2013,39(7):2243-2251. (中信所4区,中科院工程技术大类4区,ESI期刊) [6]Jianqi Zhu; Feng Fu; Chongkwon Kim*; Kexin Yin; Yanheng Liu *;A DoS Detection Method Based on Composition Self-Similarity,KSII Transactionson Internetand Information Systems, 2012.5, 6(5): 1463-1478. (中信所4区,中科院工程技术大类4区,ESI期刊) [7]Xin Sun , Yanheng Liu, Jin Li, Jianqi Zhu, Xuejie Liu, Huiling Chen. Using cooperative game theory to optimize the feature selection problem [J]. Neurocomputing, 2012, 97:86-93. SCI: 013PV [8]Xin Sun , Yanheng Liu, Jin Li, Jianqi Zhu, , Huiling Chen Xuejie Liu. Feature evaluation and selection with cooperative game theory [J]. Pattern Recognition, 2012, 45(8):2992-3002. SCI: 932MF [9]孙鑫,刘衍珩, 朱建启, 李飞鹏.被动网络蠕虫传播建模研究[J]. 计算机学报, 2011.7, 34(7): 1252-1261.EI: 20113214216525. [10]刘衍珩, 付枫, 朱建启*, 孙鑫. 一种基于活跃熵的DoS攻击检测模型 [J]. 必赢唯一官方网站学报(工学版), 2011.7, 41(4): 1059-1064. EI: 20113014176480. [11]ZHU Jian-qi, LIU Yan-heng, WANG Ai-min, Yin Ke-xin. H Function based Tamper-proofing Software Watermarking Scheme [J]. Journal of Software, 2011, 6(1): 148-155. EI: 20121314911509. [12]刘衍珩, 孙鑫, 王健, 李伟平, 朱建启*. 基于用户行为和网络拓扑的Email蠕虫传播 [J]. 必赢唯一官方网站学报(工学版), 2010.11, 40(6): 1655-1662. EI: 20104913466644. [13]Yu Jiao, Yanheng Liu, Jian Wang, Jianqi Zhu. Impact of Habitual Behaviors on Human Dynamics and Spreading Process. International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China, August 25-27, 2010, Beijing, China. 2010.8.EI:20110713662980. [14]ZHU Jian-qi, LIU Yan-heng, YANG Xu, SUN Xin. Dynamic Game Based Intrusion Response Model [J]. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2010, 6(7): 2199-2212. EI: 20104113292777. [15]Yin Ke-xin, Zhu Jian-qi+, Liu Bing, Zhong Guan-qun. Pixel-based fragile image watermarking algorithm [C]. Proceedings of the ECS2010, 7-8 March, 2010, Wuhan, China. Value 2, pp. 134-137. EI: 20102312986106. ISTP: BKI92. [16]ZHU Jian-qi, Wang Ai-min, LIU Yan-heng. Tamper-proofing Software Watermarking Scheme Based on Constant Encoding [C]. Proceedings of the ECS2010, 7-8 March, 2010, Wuhan, China. Value 1, pp. 129-132. EI: 20102312997919. ISTP: BKI92. [17]梅芳, 刘衍珩, 王 健, 朱建启. 基于可信网络的修复建模与实现 [J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2009, 46(S), pp. 328-331. [18]ZHU Jian-qi, LIU Yan-heng, YIN Ke-xin. A Novel Planar IPPCT Tree Structure and Characteristics Analysis [J]. Journal of Software, 2010, 5(3): 344-351. EI: 20101312817355. [19]ZHU Jian-qi, YIN Ke-xin, LIU Yan-heng .A Novel DGW Scheme Based on 2D_PPCT and Permutation [C]. The International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security, Nov 18-20, 2009, Wuhan, China. pp.109-113. EI: 20101012757975 ISTP: BNN67. [20]YIN Ke-xin, YIN Ke, ZHU Jian-qi. A robust dynamic software watermarking [C]. Proceedings of the Itcs2009, 25-26 July, 2009, Kiev Ukraine. pp.15-18. EI: 20094712461952 ISTP: BLQ45. [21]ZHU Jian-qi, LIU Yan-heng, YIN Ke, YIN Ke-xin. A Novel Method-based Software Watermarking Scheme [C]. Proceedings of the ITNG2009, 27-29 April, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. pp.388-392. EI: 20101712873256 ISTP: BLQ66. [22]ZHU Jian-qi, LIU Yan-heng, YIN Ke-xin. A Novel Dynamic Graph Software Watermark Scheme [C]. Proceedings of the ECS2009, 7-8 March, 2009, Wuhan, China. pp. 775-780. EI: 20093712300769. ISTP: BKI92. [23]ZHU Jian-qi, LIU Yan-heng, YIN Ke, YIN Ke-xin. A robust dynamic watermarking scheme based on STBDW [C]. Proceedings of the Csie2009, 31 March - 2 April, 2009, Los Angeles/Anaheim, USA. pp.602-606. EI: 20094712464397. [24]殷柯, 王执铨, 朱建启+, 董刚. 基于Shamir门限和分支结构的动态水印方案 [J]. 必赢唯一官方网站学报(工学版),2008.9, 38(S2): 221-225. EI:20084511687225. [25]Jian Wang, Yanheng Liu, Fang Mei, Jianqi Zhu, Yingge Zhang. A New Remediation Model Based on Trusted Network [C]. Proceedings of the CIS, Dec. 13-17, 2008, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China. pp.242-245. EI:20090911923750. ISTP: BKH35. [26]Jian Wang, Yanheng Liu, Jing Zhang, Jianqi Zhu, Tianzhe Dong. Research on Hiberarchy Trusted Network Based on the Grade Division [C]. Proceedings of the ISKE, Nov. 17-18, 2008, Xiamen, Fujian, China. pp.19-25. EI: 20090911922288. ISTP: BIS44. [27]Jian Wang, Yanheng Liu, Jianqi Zhu, Yu Jiao. Model for Cascading Failures in Congested Internet [J]. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2008, 9(10): 1331-1335.SCI:356IZ, EI: 20084411663923. [28]王健, 刘衍珩, 朱建启. 全局自适应蚁群优化算法 [J]. 小型微型计算机系统, 2008, 29(6):1083-1087. [29]王健, 刘衍珩, 朱建启,糜利敏. 一种简单的Internet级联故障模型 [J]. 上海理工大学学报, 2008,30(3):215-220.EI: 20083211443810. [30]朱建启, 刘衍珩,殷柯,杨志刚. 一种新颖的动态软件版权保护协议 [J]. 必赢唯一官方网站学报(工学版), 2009.5, 39(3): 764-769. EI:20092212099039. [31]朱建启, 刘衍珩, 殷柯欣, 宋双. 基于中国剩余定理动态图软件水印方案 [J].必赢唯一官方网站学报(工学版),2008.9, 38(S2): 198-201. EI:20084511687220. [32]ZHU Jian-qi, LIU Yan-heng TIAN Qi, LI Feng. Software Copyright License Authentcation Protocol Baseed On Kernel [J]. Journal of Communicatin and Computer, 2007,4(1), pp:15-22. [33]朱建启, 刘衍珩, 汤岩, 田奇. 软件保护技术 [J]. 计算机科学, 2006, 33(8):289-291. [34]朱建启, 殷柯, 韩啸. 三维医学图像的重建及绘制 [J]. 必赢唯一官方网站学报(工学版), 2003.10,33(S1):102-104. [35]王爱民, 朱建启, 苑森淼. CDMA网络中混合信道分配的容量分析 [J]. 必赢唯一官方网站学报(理学版), 2004.4,42(2):230-233. [36]王爱民, 苑森淼, 朱建启. CDMA网络中综合业务竞争模型 [J]. 必赢唯一官方网站学报(信息科学版), 2004.5,22(3):195-198. |