职称:预聘讲师 毕业院校:必赢唯一官方网站
2023.01 —— 至今 必赢唯一官方网站 讲师
2016.09 —— 2022.06 必赢唯一官方网站 bwin必赢登录入口 博士
2012.09 —— 2016.06 必赢唯一官方网站 bwin必赢登录入口 学士
Shuai Lü, Zongze Li, Xinyu Zhang, Jingyao Li*. Consistency regularization-based mutual alignment for source-free domain adaptation. Expert Systems with Applications, 2024. (中科院1区TOP, CCF C, IF: 8.5)
Jingyao Li, Shuai Lü, Zhanshan Li*. Unsupervised domain adaptation via softmax-based prototype construction and adaptation. Information Sciences, 2022, 609: 257-275. (中科院1区TOP, CCF B, IF: 8.1)
Jingyao Li, Shuai Lü, Wenbo Zhu, Zhanshan Li*. Enhancing transferability and discriminability simultaneously for unsupervised domain adaptation. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022, 247: 108705. (中科院1区TOP, CCF C, IF: 8.8)
Jingyao Li, Zhanshan Li, Shuai Lü*. Feature concatenation for adversarial domain adaptation. Expert Systems with Applications, 2021, 169: 114490. (中科院1区TOP, CCF C, IF: 8.665)
Jingyao Li, Zhanshan Li, Shuai Lü*. Unsupervised double weighted domain adaptation. Neural Computing and Applications, 2021, 33(8): 3545-3566. (中科院3区, CCF C, IF: 5.102)
Jingyao Li, Lei Liu, Peng Zhang*. Tabular-expression-based method for constructing metamorphic relations. Software: Practice and Experience, 2020, 50(8): 1345-1380. (中科院3区, CCF B, IF: 2.028)